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Making It Real - Rich on GE Brand Identity

Rich Narasaki discusses on the GE global brand's new identity as digital industrial company and how the manifests itself on design in the digital space and on marketing material on this episode of Making It Real.

Making It Real - Andy on the Owen Series

Andy Goldberg - Chief Creative Officer at GE discusses the creation of the "Owen" campaign; a character that exemplifies the new generation of GE Employees. This successful public commercial campaign ran over the course of 2015 and 2016.  

Making It Real - Justin and Boris on Data Visualization

Justin and Boris discuss the system of data visualization they created for the GE Digital Command center, a future proof concept project I sparked a year earlier. The Digital Command Center or DCC is now universally leveraged by the company to monitor financial performance analytics. The application uses the Core Design System as its backbone.

Making it Real - Lizzy on Predix

Lizzy Li sits down with us to discuss the Raspberry Pie based Predix Green box to integrate machine learning in order to tie into the bring non connected industrial devices into the Predix Industrial Internet.

Making It Real - Sean on Stack Overflow

Sean is interviewed on this episode of Making It Real going over the value that Stack Overflow @ GE brings to the table. Having a GE specific development resource based on a proven tool, became immensely helpful to the community - the project that I provided creative direction on.

Making It Real - Justin on Cascade

Justin sits down with us on this Episode of Making Real discusses his team's creation of the Cascade application, a tool that shares internal company analytics.